Gemstone and Birthstone Meanings

Birthstones are thought to have first become popular in the country of Poland during the 15th or
16th century.  It is thought that originally, because the powers of a birthstone are heightened
during it’s corresponding month,  that they were originally worn by everyone each month.

Listed are the Modern Birthstone first with the Ancient Birthstone secondly.

Birth Gemstone:  Garnet
Color: Dark red
Ancient:  Garnet
Consistency, endurance, creativity, patience

Birth Gemstone:  Amethyst
Color: Purple
Ancient:  Amethyst
Sincerity, intuition, motivation

Birth Gemstone:  Aquamarine
Color: Pale blue
Ancient:  Aquamarine
Courage, creativity, health, perception, hope

Birth Gemstone:  Diamond
Color: Clear
Ancient:  Diamond
Innocence, eternity, courage, health

Birth Gemstone:  Emerald
Color: Deep green
Ancient:  Emerald
Love, Success, happiness, goodness

Birth Gemstone:  Pearl
Color: Pearl
Ancient:  Alexandrite Red
Pearl: Faith, charity, innocence, health, peace
Alexandrite: Love, joy, luck, courage

Birth Gemstone:  Ruby
Color: Red
Ancient:  Ruby
Nobility, contentment, love, enthusiasm, strength

Birth Gemstone:  Peridot
Color: Green
Ancient:   Sardonyx
Peridot: Success, peace, married happiness, luck, courage

Birth Gemstone:  Sapphire
Color: Deep blue
Ancient:  Sapphire
Clear thinking, wisdom, serenity, purity, truth

Birth Gemstone:  Opal
Color: Multi-color
Ancient:  Pink Tourmaline
Opal:  Hope, purity, health, innocence
Tourmaline:  Love, compassion, peace

Birth Gemstone:  Golden Topaz
Color: Yellow
Ancient:  Citrine
Topaz: Courage, fidelity, wisdom, serenity
Citrine: Energy, warmth, optimism

Birth Gemstone:  Blue Topaz
Color: Deep Blue
Ancient:  Turquoise or Lapis
Topaz: Success, love, luck, happiness, prosperity
Turquoise/Lapis: Patience, happiness, peace

Zodiac Birthstone

Zodiac Sign ~ Month/Date
Capricorn Dec 22 ~ Jan 20 Ruby
Aquarius Jan 21 ~ Feb 19 Garnet
Pisces Feb 20 ~ Mar 20 Amethyst
Aries Mar 21 ~ April 20  Bloodstone
Taurus April 21 ~ May 20 Sapphire
Gemini May 21 ~ Jun 21 Agate
Cancer Jun 22 ~ Jul 22 Emerald
Leo Jul 23 ~ Aug 23  Onyx
Virgo Aug 24 ~ Sep 23 Carnelian
Libra Sep 24 ~ Oct 23 Peridot
Scorpio Oct 24 ~ Nov 22 Beryl
Sagittarius Nov 23 ~ Dec 21 Topaz

Anniversary Gemstones
This is the accepted list of suggested gemstone gifts of the Jewelers of America, the American
Gem Trade Association, the American Gem Society and the Gemological Institute of America.

Year / Anniversary Stone
1 year       Gold
2 year       Garnet
3 year       Pearls
4 year       Blue Topaz
5 year       Sapphire
6 year       Amethyst
7 year       Onyx
8 year       Tourmaline
9 year       Lapis Lazuli
10 year       Diamond
11 year       Turquoise
12 year       Jade
13 year       Citrine
14 year       Opal
15 year       Ruby
16 year       Peridot
17 year       Watches
18 year       Cat’s Eye - Chrysoberyl
19 year       Aquamarine
20 year       Emerald
21 year       Iolite
22 year       Spinet
23 year       Imperial Topaz
24 year       Tanzanite
25 year       Silver
30 year       Pearl
35 year       Emerald
40 year       Ruby
45 year       Sapphire
50 year       Gold
55 year       Alexandrite
60 year       Diamond

Gemstone Meanings
Find your meaning!

Agate helps awaken your inherent natural talents.

Alexandrite encourages renewal.

Amazonite helps you to trust your intuitions more, instead of rationalizing them away, inspiring
clarity and openness.

Amber heightens creativity, helping you to accept change, and follow your dreams.

Amethyst is the stone of transformation.

Aquamarine is a stone of courage, used to soothe, calm and alleviate fears.

Aragonite is a grounding stone, very useful during stressful times, as it strengthens your
connection with the earth.

Aventurine is the stone of opportunity, helping you to see alternatives and potentials.

Bloodstone is a hero's stone, instilling courage.

Carnelian activates and energizes personal power, revealing or discovering hidden talents.

Chinese Writing Stone: Like a snowflake, its unique patterns make each gemstone beautiful and
unique. Wear Chinese writing stone to remind yourself of your own unique beauty.

Citrine opens the mind to new thoughts.

Fluorite can help increase your concentration and heighten your intuition.

Goldstone is an energy stone, promoting vitality.

Hematite enhances focus, concentration, and will-power.

Iolite enhances leadership ability, power, inner strength, and self-confidence.

Jade is the ultimate symbol of calm and serenity.

Jasper is associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion, nurturing, consolation,
tranquility, completion, wholeness, healing and gentle endings.

Labradorite brings clarity of thought and wisdom.

Lapis Lazuli is the stone of friendship, associated with truthfulness, openness, and tranquility.

Malachite is an abundance stone, also representing fidelity in love and friendship.

Moonstone represents the great Mother Goddess, a stone of wishes, intuition, and balance.

Moss Agate fosters feelings of expansion, freedom, and space- helpful when you are feeling

Mother-of-Pearl symbolizes strength and resilience.

Onyx enhances steadfastness and determination, helpful to people who are in the process of
"letting go" or releasing past attachments.

Opal is a very emotionally responsive stone, associated with love, passion, and spontaneity.

Pearl inspires purity, honesty, and innocence.

Peridot brings the wearer good luck, peace, and success.

Rose quartz is known as the love stone, opening your heart and encouraging you to be tender,
peaceful and gentle.

Smoky quartz is nature's stone of endurance, fostering serenity, calmness, and positive thoughts.

Sodalite brings inner peace and harmony.

Tiger's Eye (a form of quartz) is beneficial for health and spiritual well being, enhancing protection
and personal

Tourmaline: Ancient legend says that tourmaline is found in all colors because it traveled along a
rainbow and gathered all the rainbow's colors. Tourmaline is believed to strengthen the body and

Turquoise attracts money, success and love.

Unakite lifts your spirits when you are feeling down - this is the gemstone to help you to see the
beauty in life. It is also used to uncover deception.